Polyvagal Techniques for Regulation

polyvagal techniques nervous system regulation

The polyvagal theory, crafted by Dr. Stephen Porges, serves as a comprehensive framework that sheds light on the intricate link between our nervous system and behavior. This theory presents us with a deeper comprehension of how our body reacts to stress, along with techniques we can employ to regulate our nervous system and skillfully manage our emotions.

At its core, the polyvagal theory differentiates between three distinctive states of arousal: the ventral vagal state (associated with social engagement), the sympathetic state (often known as fight or flight), and the dorsal vagal state (akin to freeze or shut down). When stress or anxiety takes center stage, our body can shift into either a sympathetic or dorsal vagal state, giving rise to physical manifestations like a rapid heart rate, shallow breaths, or muscle tension

There are different techniques we can use to bring our nervous system back into regulation—the ventral vagal state. By trying some of the exercises below, your emotional state and physical state can begin to calm.

Deep Breathing

When you’re stressed, you unconsciously tend to take shallow, irregular breaths. By concentrating on your breathing, your mind can focus and slow down and begin to bring you back to a more relaxed state. Breathing deep, using your diaphragm activates the parasympathetic nervous system, also known an the “rest and digest” system. The deep breaths take in more oxygen, slowing your heart rate, and relaxing the body.. The next time stress or anxiety pay a visit, give a few deep breaths a try and pay attention to your body's response.

Mindfulness Mastery

Mindfulness is the practice of simply observing your surroundings and internal state without judgment—observation without reaction. This technique helps you become present in a moment, letting go of worry or stress and quieting the mind. This, in turn, can help alleviate the physical symptoms brought on by entering into dysregulation.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique involves focusing your attention on a particular group of muscles or area and first tense, then relax them. There are scripts you can use to guide you through this exercise, working your way from the top of your head to your feet. Not only can it bring you back to a regulated state, but it can also help with issues such as insomnia.

Harmony in Vocal Toning

The intriguing technique of vocal toning involves emitting sustained, low-pitched sounds like "ahh" or "om." This practice has a positive influence on the nervous system by activating the vagus nerve, returning your nervous system to a place of serenity and relaxation.

The Power of Movement

Physical movement is an effective tool in nervous system regulation. Whether a leisurely walk, yoga, or a series of gentle stretches, engaging in movement can help get rid of tension and help the mind focus.

The Polyvagal Theory is a fascinating framework that sheds light on how our bodies respond to stress and anxiety. Understanding this theory empowers us to manage stress better; it's like having an owner's manual for our nervous system. It offers us insights into the mind-body connection, allowing us to navigate stress and anxiety with a deeper understanding and more effective strategies. At InnerWorks Counselling, we are providers of the Safe and Sound Protocol, which is a practical application of the Polyvagal Theory, designed to improve nervous system regulation and restore our sense of wellbeing. For more information, please reach out anytime


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