Online Counselling FAQs

With the COVID-19 shut down in full swing, we are happy to offer online counselling.

You might have questions about how this works and if it’s awkward and whether it’s as effective as in-person therapy.


Q - I don’t like being on camera. Can we talk by phone? Can I just wait until we can meet in person again? +

A - Of course! Being on a virtual call can feel a little strange at first, but we’re finding that folks get used it it rather quickly. We don’t know how long this shut-down will last, so we can’t make promises about when we’ll be able to meet in person again. This is a personal decision for you to make, and we will support you in whatever you decide. And yes, phone sessions are definitely an option if you’re more comfortable with that. +


I’ve heard that some online platforms have been hacked - will our session be secure? +

A - Yes! Your privacy is very important to us. We use a secure platform designed specifically for tele-health. Your information is secure and there have been no known breaches of the program we use.


Q - How does an online session work?+

A - Yes! Your privacy is very important to us. We use a secure platform designed specifically for tele-health. Your information is secure and there have been no known breaches of the program we use.


Q - Is online therapy as effective as in-person? +

A - Absolutely! While it can feel like a bit of an adjustment, there has been good research done to show that online therapy is every bit as effective as in-person. As is always the case, the most important factor in the success of therapy is a good relational fit between therapist and client, regardless of how you meet for appointments.


Q - What about couples or family therapy, and therapy for my child? +

A - We can still offer these sessions online! Your therapist will help you figure out a set-up that works best for your family. For kids, if you think your child will do better with a 30-minute session, please talk with your therapist and we are happy to accommodate this. We are committed to making ourselves available to you and your family during this time, and we will be as flexible as we can to make sure treatment is not disrupted.


Q - How do I get the most out of an online session? +

A - The most important things are privacy, Internet, a power source, and lighting. Find a place that’s as private as you can. Whether it’s your home office, bedroom, car, or basement, we have already had our online sessions in all of those locations! Try to be connected to wifi rather than on data, and be close to your router if you can. Have your device plugged in, and other apps/browser tabs closed for the best experience.The best quality picture will be if a light source is in front of you, rather than behind you. If you sit in front of a window, you will appear angelic, but we won’t be able to see your face.

Don’t worry if your pet joins the session, we are happy to meet your furry family members too!


Q - If I like online, do I have to go back to in-person? +

A - We want to help you get the most out of your therapy, so if continuing online even after in-person meetings are allowed is your preference, we can do that!